Element Card je flexibilný a rozšíriteľný kontajner formátu karty. Umožňuje zobraziť širokú škálu obsahu a skladá sa z hlavičky CardHeader a hlavnej časti CardContent.
Základné použitie
Vlastnosť separator slúži na zobrazenie horizontálneho oddeľovača v elemente Card Header.
Karta s obrázkom
Karta so zoznamom
Úprava štýlov
Prednastavené farebné varianty elementu Card
Vlastnosť color
upravuje farbu pozadia a okraja karty. Nastavením tejto hodnoty sa farba tlačidla zmení na jednu z farieb prednastavenej farebnej palety. V predvolenom nastavení má element pozadie primary
CSS Custom Vlastnosti
<wj-card id="custom">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
#custom {
--wj-card-margin-top: 1rem;
--wj-card-margin-bottom: 1rem;
--wj-card-margin-inline: 1rem;
--wj-color-contrast: #f0f;
--wj-card-border-color: #000;
--wj-border-size: 2px;
--background-color: #000!important;
--wj-font-size: .8rem;
--wj-border-radius: 0;
Atribúty a Vlastnosti
Description | The color to be used from the application color palette. The default options are "primary" , "warning" , "success" , "warning" , "warning" , and "neutral" . For more information on colors, visit Customization Basics. |
Attribute | color |
Type | "danger." | "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "complete" | "warning" | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
No events available for this component.
No public methods available for this component.
CSS Shadow Parts
Name | Description |
native | The native HTML button, anchor, or div element that wraps all child elements. |
CSS Custom Vlastnosti
Name | Description |
--wj-card-border-color | Defines the colour of the card edge. |
--wj-card-margin-bottom | Defines the size of the gap from the bottom edge of the card |
--wj-card-margin-inline | Defines the size of the gap from the right and left edges of the card |
--wj-card-margin-top | Defines the size of the gap from the top edge of the card |
--wj-color-base | Defines the background colour of the card |
--wj-color-contrast | Defines the colour of the card text |
No slots available for this component.