Dark mode
Dark Mode in Elements is a feature that allows you to switch the color scheme of pages and components to darker shades, improving user comfort in darker spaces and offering an alternative aesthetic.
Using media query
The first way to enable dark mode is to use CSS media query for user preferred color scheme. This media query will link to the system settings of the user's device and apply a theme if dark mode is enabled.
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
/* insert dark mode variables here */
Currently, the media query prefers-color-scheme
has browser support.
Modification of system UI
When developing a dark theme, you may notice that some system UI components do not adapt to the dark mode correctly. To fix this you will need to specify the color-scheme
. See the browser compatibility for color-scheme for details on cross browser support.
Although you may be using mostly Elements components and not just native components, the color-scheme
can also affect aspects of your application such as the scroll bar. In order to use color-scheme
, you will need to add the following HTML to the head
of your application:
<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark" />
This will allow the page to indicate which color scheme suits it when rendering. Alternatively, you can add the following CSS to do this on a per-element basis:
color-scheme: light dark;
Default scrollbar | Scrollbar with color-scheme |
![]() | ![]() |
For more information on color-scheme
, please visit https://web.dev/color-scheme/.
WebJET Dark Mode
WebJET Elements has a recommended variable template that you can use to create a dark mode.
You can copy and paste the following code into the app to get the WebJET Elements dark theme. Dark mode will not be enabled until the dark
class is added to the body.
See Templates for more information about variables that change, including additional variables that can be added for further customization.
* Dark mode
* -------------------------------------------
.dark {
color-scheme: dark;
--wj-font-size-x-small: 0.625rem;
--wj-font-size-small: 0.75rem;
--wj-font-size: 0.875rem;
--wj-font-size-medium: 1rem;
--wj-font-size-large: 1.25rem;
--wj-font-size-x-large: 1.5rem;
--wj-font-size-2x-large: 2.25rem;
--wj-font-size-3x-large: 3rem;
--wj-font-size-4x-large: 4.5rem;
--wj-line-height: 21px;
--wj-border-radius-small: .25rem; // 4px
--wj-border-radius-medium: .5rem; // 8px
--wj-border-radius-large: .75rem; // 2px
--wj-border-radius-x-large: 1rem; // 16px
--wj-border-radius-circle: 50%;
--wj-border-radius-pill: 50rem;
--wj-border-size: 0px;
--wj-border-style: solid;
--wj-box-shadow-medium: 0 1px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
--wj-box-shadow-large: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0 4px 16px;
--wj-backdrop: rgb(0, 0, 0);
--wj-backdrop-opacity: .3;
* Dark Colors
* -------------------------------------------
--wj-color: var(--wj-color-contrast-11);
--wj-color-dark: hsl(0, 0%, 29%);
--wj-color-light: hsl(0 0% 95%);
--wj-background: hsl(218, 57%, 3%);//hsl(223, 15%, 18%);
--wj-border-color: var(--wj-color-contrast-4);
--wj-card-background: var(--wj-color-contrast-3);
--wj-card-color: var(--wj-color-white) !important;
--wj-color-primary: var(--wj-color-primary-1);
--wj-color-complete: var(--wj-color-complete-1);
--wj-color-success: var(--wj-color-success-1);
--wj-color-warning: var(--wj-color-warning-1);
--wj-color-danger: var(--wj-color-danger-1);
--wj-color-info: var(--wj-color-info-1);
--wj-color-menu: hsl(220, 15%, 15%);
--wj-color-contrast: hsl(210, 11%, 15%); //#2b303b;
--wj-color-white: #fff;
--wj-color-black: #000;
* Dark Contrast
* -------------------------------------------
--wj-color-contrast-lowest: hsl(0, 0%, 0%); //rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); //#000000
--wj-color-contrast-lower: hsl(0, 0%, 13%); //rgba(33, 33, 33, 1); //#212121
--wj-color-contrast-lower: hsl(0, 0%, 29%); //rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.81); //#4b4b4b
--wj-color-contrast-medium: hsl(0, 0%, 46%); //rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.62); //#757575
--wj-color-contrast-high: hsl(0, 0%, 88%); //rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.14); //#e0e0e0
--wj-color-contrast-highter: hsl(0, 0%, 96%); //rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.05); //#f4f4f4
--wj-color-contrast-highest: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); //rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); //#ffffff
--wj-color-contrast-0: hsl(0, 0%, 0%);
--wj-color-contrast-1: hsl(240 5.1% 15%);
--wj-color-contrast-2: hsl(240 5.7% 18.2%);
--wj-color-contrast-3: hsl(240 4.6% 22%);
--wj-color-contrast-4: hsl(240 5% 27.6%);
--wj-color-contrast-5: hsl(240 5% 35.5%);
--wj-color-contrast-6: hsl(240 3.7% 44%);
--wj-color-contrast-7: hsl(240 5.3% 58%);
--wj-color-contrast-8: hsl(240 5.6% 73%);
--wj-color-contrast-9: hsl(240 7.3% 84%);
--wj-color-contrast-10: hsl(240 9.1% 91.8%);
--wj-color-contrast-11: hsl(0 0% 95%);
//--wj-color-contrast-0: hsl(0, 0%, 0%);
//--wj-color-contrast-1: hsl(0, 0%, 10%);
//--wj-color-contrast-2: hsl(0, 0%, 17%);
//--wj-color-contrast-3: hsl(0, 0%, 25%);
//--wj-color-contrast-4: hsl(0, 0%, 33%);
//--wj-color-contrast-5: hsl(0, 0%, 42%);
//--wj-color-contrast-6: hsl(0, 0%, 50%);
//--wj-color-contrast-7: hsl(0, 0%, 60%);
//--wj-color-contrast-8: hsl(0, 0%, 69%);
//--wj-color-contrast-9: hsl(0, 0%, 79%);
//--wj-color-contrast-10: hsl(0, 0%, 89%);
//--wj-color-contrast-11: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
--wj-color-primary-1: hsl(254, 59%, 57%);
--wj-color-primary-2: hsl(256, 59%, 61%);
--wj-color-primary-3: hsl(257, 60%, 65%);
--wj-color-primary-4: hsl(257, 61%, 68%);
--wj-color-primary-5: hsl(258, 61%, 72%);
--wj-color-primary-6: hsl(259, 61%, 76%);
--wj-color-primary-7: hsl(260, 63%, 80%);
--wj-color-primary-8: hsl(260, 62%, 84%);
--wj-color-primary-9: hsl(260, 63%, 88%);
--wj-color-primary-10: hsl(260, 65%, 92%);
--wj-color-primary-11: hsl(261, 70%, 96%);
--wj-color-complete-1: hsl(211, 100%, 46%);
--wj-color-complete-2: hsl(218, 83%, 59%);
--wj-color-complete-3: hsl(221, 83%, 65%);
--wj-color-complete-4: hsl(223, 83%, 70%);
--wj-color-complete-5: hsl(225, 83%, 74%);
--wj-color-complete-6: hsl(226, 83%, 78%);
--wj-color-complete-7: hsl(227, 84%, 82%);
--wj-color-complete-8: hsl(229, 85%, 86%);
--wj-color-complete-9: hsl(229, 84%, 89%);
--wj-color-complete-10: hsl(229, 88%, 93%);
--wj-color-complete-11: hsl(232, 88%, 96%);
--wj-color-success-1: hsl(158, 74%, 38%);
--wj-color-success-2: hsl(155, 48%, 47%);
--wj-color-success-3: hsl(153, 42%, 54%);
--wj-color-success-4: hsl(152, 42%, 59%);
--wj-color-success-5: hsl(151, 42%, 65%);
--wj-color-success-6: hsl(150, 41%, 70%);
--wj-color-success-7: hsl(149, 42%, 75%);
--wj-color-success-8: hsl(150, 41%, 80%);
--wj-color-success-9: hsl(149, 41%, 85%);
--wj-color-success-10: hsl(148, 42%, 90%);
--wj-color-success-11: hsl(147, 44%, 95%);
--wj-color-warning-1: hsl(47, 100%, 63%);
--wj-color-warning-2: hsl(47, 100%, 67%);
--wj-color-warning-3: hsl(47, 100%, 71%);
--wj-color-warning-4: hsl(47, 100%, 74%);
--wj-color-warning-5: hsl(46, 100%, 77%);
--wj-color-warning-6: hsl(46, 100%, 81%);
--wj-color-warning-7: hsl(46, 100%, 84%);
--wj-color-warning-8: hsl(46, 100%, 87%);
--wj-color-warning-9: hsl(46, 100%, 90%);
--wj-color-warning-10: hsl(46, 100%, 93%);
--wj-color-warning-11: hsl(44, 100%, 96%);
--wj-color-danger-1: hsl(3, 68%, 51%);
--wj-color-danger-2: hsl(6, 71%, 56%);
--wj-color-danger-3: hsl(7, 73%, 61%);
--wj-color-danger-4: hsl(8, 77%, 65%);
--wj-color-danger-5: hsl(8, 80%, 70%);
--wj-color-danger-6: hsl(10, 82%, 74%);
--wj-color-danger-7: hsl(9, 86%, 79%);
--wj-color-danger-8: hsl(10, 90%, 83%);
--wj-color-danger-9: hsl(11, 93%, 87%);
--wj-color-danger-10: hsl(11, 100%, 91%);
--wj-color-danger-11: hsl(9, 100%, 96%);
--wj-color-info-1: hsl(208, 16%, 27%);
--wj-color-info-2: hsl(208, 12%, 33%);
--wj-color-info-3: hsl(210, 9%, 39%);
--wj-color-info-4: hsl(210, 7%, 45%);
--wj-color-info-5: hsl(210, 6%, 52%);
--wj-color-info-6: hsl(207, 6%, 58%);
--wj-color-info-7: hsl(212, 6%, 65%);
--wj-color-info-8: hsl(206, 6%, 71%);
--wj-color-info-9: hsl(210, 7%, 78%);
--wj-color-info-10: hsl(204, 6%, 85%);
--wj-color-info-11: hsl(210, 5%, 92%);
--wj-color-primary-lighter: #eae0fb;
--wj-color-primary-light: #845ae0;
--wj-color-primary-dark: #4e37b6;
--wj-color-primary-darker: #2d218f;
--wj-color-success-lighter: #d6f7f0;
--wj-color-success-light: #26bf93;
--wj-color-success-dark: #0d935b;
--wj-color-success-darker: #04733e;
--wj-color-complete-lighter: #d3eeff;
--wj-color-complete-light: #0f8ff9;
--wj-color-complete-dark: #004fbf;
--wj-color-complete-darker: #00318e;
--wj-color-warning-lighter: #fffde1;
--wj-color-warning-light: #ffe858;
--wj-color-warning-dark: #daab2d;
--wj-color-warning-darker: #aa7918;
--wj-color-danger-lighter: #fde2da;
--wj-color-danger-light: #e6533c;
--wj-color-danger-dark: #b91e1e;
--wj-color-danger-darker: #900f17;
--wj-color-info-lighter: #dbe6e8;
--wj-color-info-light: #475b6b;
--wj-color-info-dark: #2b3947;
--wj-color-info-darker: #1b2839;
--wj-color-contrast-lower-a: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.05); //#f4f4f4
--wj-color-contrast-lower-a: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.14); //#e0e0e0
--wj-color-contrast-medium-a: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.62); //#757575
--wj-color-contrast-high-a: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.81); //#4b4b4b