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CSS Variables

CSS Variables | Custom CSS properties for variables and components

WebJET Elements takes advantage of custom CSS properties, commonly known as CSS variables, to enhance your styling options. CSS variables allow you to define values in one place and then reuse them throughout your application, making your CSS more efficient and easier to maintain.

Setting the values

Global variables

CSS variables can be set globally in the :root selector in the application. They can also be used only for a specific mode, light or dark. For more information about global variables, see WebJET Elements Variables.

/* Set variables for all modes */
:root {
/* Set the background of the entire app */
--wj-background-color: #ff3700;

/* Set the font family of the entire app */
--wj-font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Roboto', sans-serif;

Variables in components

To set a CSS variable for a specific component, add the variable inside of its selector. See Variable WebJET Elements for more information on the component-level variables Ionic provides.

/* Sets the border color of all buttons */
wj-button {
--wj-button-border-color: #0af4fc;

/* Sets the border color of all buttons with id 'custom' */
#custom {
--wj-button-border-color: #0af4fc;

Variables via Javascript

CSS variables can also be modified using the Javascript method setProperty():

const el = document.querySelector('#custom');'--wj-button-border-color', '#0af4fc');

Getting value

Using CSS

Use the var() CSS function to get the value of the CSS variable. This function also allows you to specify a fallback value. For example, in the following example, the --wj-button-border-color property is assigned the value of the --primary-light variable. If the --primary-light variable is not set, #0af4fc is used as a placeholder.

#custom {
--wj-button-border-color: var(--primary-light, #0af4fc);

Using JavaScript

CSS variables can be retrieved using the JavaScript method getPropertyValue():

const el = document.querySelector('#custom');
const color ='--charcoal');

WebJET Elements variables

Customizing components using variables

Elements offers component-specific variables, such as --background and --color, that allow for easy customization. For a complete list of these variables, see the CSS Custom Properties section in the API reference of each component. For example, CSS Custom Properties of the Button component can be viewed for specific customization options.

Customizing an application using global variables

Elements also provides global variables to simplify the theming of the entire application. These variables cover a range of design features. For detailed instructions on how to use them for theming, see Colors and Themes.