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WebJET Elements

WebJET Elements contains a wide range of components that are optimized for web interfaces. These components cover a variety of functions and are designed to be easily integrated into any web application.


Easily integrate animations into web applications.


The avatar element is used to visually represent a user or entity.


Badge serves as a notification that there are other elements associated with an element and informs the user of their number.


Breadcrumbs is a component that displays the path a user has taken within an application or site.


Button is a clickable element for invoking actions that allows you to display text, an icon, or both.


Card is a flexible and expandable card-format container that allows you to display a wide range of content.


Checkbox allows users to select one or more options from a set.


Chip is a universal element that is a small visual block containing various other elements such as avatars, text and icons.

Color picker

Color picker is an element that displays a color palette and allows users to select one of its colors.

Copy button

Copy button allows you to copy the desired content to the clipboard with one click.


Dialog displays a dialog box located above the application content.


Dropdown element is used to display the context menu after clicking a button.

File Upload

Easy to integrate animations into web applications.


Icon provides an easy way to display icons from a built-in set of SVG images.

Icon Picker

Icon picker allows the user to find and select an icon from a set of available icons.

Image comparer

Image Comparer is used to compare two images using the built-in slider.


The Grid system is a flexible way to create responsive layouts by dividing the screen into a grid.

Infinite Scroll

Infinite Scroll allows you to implement dynamic data loading as users scroll through more content.


The Input element extends the capabilities of standard HTML input with advanced features and customization options.


Item components are blocks that can contain various types of content including text, icons, avatars, images, and more.


The List component consists of multiple Item elements and can contain text, buttons, icons, image thumbnails, and much more.


The menu element is used to display the navigation. It is hidden by default and is called up, for example, by clicking a button.


The menu element is used to display the navigation. It is hidden by default and is called up, for example, by clicking a button.

Progress Bar

Progress Bar element is a component designed to visualize progress.


Radio element is an extended version of the standard HTML radio element.


Select element extends the capabilities of the standard HTML select element.


The Slider element is a convenient way to select a value from a range of values.


Split view is a component that allows you to create a split view with two or more sections and adjust their size by scrolling.

Tab Group

Tab Group displays a tabbed navigation that allows you to view different parts of the application without having to navigate to another page.


The toast component provides an unobtrusive way of displaying short notifications to the user.


Toggle elements are small interactive controls that allow you to switch between two states.


The Tooltip element is used to display a popup tooltip when the mouse is hovered over.


A toolbar is designed to display various content in an organized manner, and is usually used at the top of a page.