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Button | Button shadow

Buttons are a clickable element that allows you to display text, an icon, or both. Buttons can be easily customized using various attributes and CSS properties.

Basic Usage

To use the Button component, include it in the HTML with the required attributes. Adding the disabled attribute makes the button inactive and unclickable.


The toggle property allows you to assign two different states to a button and toggle between them with a click. Setting the value assigns a default state to the button.
To set the available states, you need to add two child elements to the button with a toggle value slot and also with a state property, which determines the actual state value of the button.

The shape of the button

The round property allows you to adjust the shape of the button. By default, the buttons are rectangular with slightly rounded edges. Adding this attribute will increase the roundness of the button.

Button filling

The Fill property specifies the background and border fill of the button. By default, the buttons have a solid background. Other options are link and outline.

Button size

The size property specifies the size of the button. Setting this property will change the internal offset of the button.

Button icons

Icons can also be displayed in buttons by inserting the wj-icon element. You modify their location within the button using the slot attribute and the start or end property. If the button contains no text and consists of an icon only, use the icon-only property.

For more information about icons, see Icons.

Editing styles

Button colours

The color property modifies the background and border color of the button. Setting this value will change the button color to one of the colors in the preset color palette. By default, the buttons have a primary background.

Colour of the button edges

The color property can be combined with the fill property.

CSS Custom Properties

Attributes and Properties


DescriptionIf true, a check icon will appear in the button


DescriptionThe color to be used from the application color palette. The default options are "primary", "warning", "success", "warning", "warning", and "neutral". For more information on colors, visit Customization Basics.
Type"danger." | "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "complete" | "warning" | string | undefined


DescriptionAssociates a button with a specific event. When the button is clicked, the named event is triggered, allowing you to implement actions such as opening a dialog box or executing a custom event. See the dialog component for more information.


DescriptionIf true, the user cannot interact with the button.


DescriptionSet to "link" for a transparent button without borders, to "outline" for a transparent button with border, or to "solid" with filled background. The default fill is "solid".
Type"link" | "default" | "outline" | "solid" | undefined


DescriptionSet to "small" for a button with a smaller height and padding, or to "large" for a button with a larger height and padding. By default, the size is set to the default.
Type"default" | "large" | "small" | undefined


DescriptionAllows you to assign two different states to a button and toggle between them by clicking. Setting a value assigns a default state to the button. The child element must contain a slot with the value toggle and also a state property with one of the two available state values.


dialogCalled when the button is clicked


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

nativeRefers to the <a> element inside the button

CSS Custom Properties

--wj-color-baseButton background colour
--wj-button-border-colorButton edge colour
--wj-button-border-radiusRounding the edges of the button
--wj-button-border-styleButton edge style
--wj-button-border-widthWidth of the button edges
--wj-color-contrastButton text colour
--wj-padding-bottomBottom inner indent button
--wj-padding-endRight internal offset if the direction is LTR, and left internal offset if the direction is RTL button
--wj-padding-startLeft internal offset if the direction is LTR, and right internal offset if the direction is RTL button
--wj-padding-topUpper internal offset button


``The contents are placed between the named slots.
endThe content is placed to the right of the button text in LTR and to the left in RTL.
icon-onlyIt should be applied to an icon in a button that does not contain text.
startThe content is placed to the left of the button text in LTR and to the right in RTL.