Infinite Scroll allows you to implement dynamic data loading as users scroll through more content. The element allows you to view any content from a selected endpoint without requiring further interaction, such as clicking the "Load more" button or a link to the next page. The component also displays a loader indicator to inform users when new content is being loaded.
Number of items loaded (size)
The size
attribute defines the number of items each time new content is loaded.
Custom content
The Infinite scroll element can be used in combination with any Elements element. For example Card
Attributes and Properties
Description | It is used to identify the element to be used as a template for each item during the infinite scrolling process. |
Attribute | iterate |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
Description | It is used to specify the target element into which the loaded data is to be inserted during the infinite scroll process. Specifies where the newly loaded content is added within the DOM. |
Attribute | unit-display |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
Description | Defines the number of items on each load. |
Attribute | unit-display |
Type | number |
Default | 10 |
Description | Defines the url of the endpoint of the data to be retrieved. |
Attribute | unit-display |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
No events available for this component.
No public methods available for this component.
CSS Shadow Parts
No CSS shadow parts available for this component.
CSS Custom Properties
No CSS custom properties available for this component.
No slots available for this component.