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Icon Picker

Icon | WebJET Element to select from a set of icons shadow

Icon picker allows the user to find and select an icon from a set of available icons. It includes text search for easier icon retrieval.

Basic Usage

Attributes and Properties

No properties available for this component.


No events available for this component.


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

No CSS shadow parts available for this component.

CSS Custom Properties

`--wj-icon-picker-border-color``Defines the color of the element edges
`--wj-icon-picker-border-style``Defines the element's border style
`--wj-icon-picker-border-width``Defines the width of the edges of the element
--wj-icon-picker-icon-sizeDefines the size of the element icons
--wj-icon-picker-paddingDefines the internal offset of the element
--wj-icon-picker-radiusDefines the size of the roundness of the element


No slots available for this component.